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1 min read

How to fix a freezer that's not working?

How to fix a freezer that’s not working?
How to fix a freezer that’s not working?



Make sure that the freezer is plugged in and the thermostat control is not set to off. If it is making its standard humming noise, your freezer is most likely on. If your freezer is operating but not freezing its contents properly, please check whether the following issues might be the problem.




See if the condenser coils need cleaning


The condenser is responsible for releasing the heat your appliance produces into the surrounding air. Its wires cannot perform efficiently if they are covered with dirt or dust. Unplug your appliance and locate the coils either at the back or the bottom of your appliance. You can clean the coils with a gentle brush, or the brush attachment of your vacuum provided it’s set to a low suction power. Do not use damp cloths or towels when cleaning the condenser coils. 




Avoid overloading the appliance


Your freezer needs proper air circulation to function properly. Overloading it may block the airflow inside the cabinet. If some parts of the freezer aren’t getting as cold as they should, remove some of the contents of the freezer and make sure that airflow is not restricted, especially near the vents.




Check for frost build-up


Check your freezer for frost build-up. If the inner walls have visible frost on them, you may need to manually defrost your appliance.


For more information regarding defrosting your freezer, check your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.


If your freezer has the no-frost feature, you won’t need to manually defrost your appliance.




Check ambient temperature


A very cold outside temperature may prevent your freezer from functioning properly, especially if it is placed in a garage or an outbuilding with no heating. If you think this might be the issue, relocate the appliance.


To see the exact lowest ambient temperature your fridge freezer will work in, check your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.




Check for gaps, cracks, or tears on the door seals 


The cold air inside your appliance needs to be properly isolated from the outside temperatures. Check to see if there are gaps between the door seal and the cabinet. If you find any, adjust the door seal by gently pulling away from the door using your fingers.


For any openings that persist, you may need to replace the seal. In that case, contact an authorised service agent.



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