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Keep everything cold with our integrated fridges,

which are ideal for kitchens with limited space,

or for those looking for more perfect cooling options

results (3)


Integrated Fridge (Larder, 198 L)

Integrated Fridge (Larder, 198 L) BLSA210M3SN
  • Reversible Door: adjustable door direction
  • Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg
Where To Buy


Integrated Fridge (Larder, 309 L)

Integrated Fridge (Larder, 309 L) BLSD3577
  • CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer
  • Reversible Door: adjustable door direction
  • Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg
Where To Buy


Integrated Fridge (Larder, 309 L)

Integrated Fridge (Larder, 309 L) BSSA315K3SN
  • Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg
Where To Buy
results (3)