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How to get your clothes free from pollen?
How to get your clothes free from pollen?

1 min de lecture

How to get your clothes free from pollen?


There are several ways to reduce the amount of pollen in your home and alleviate symptoms for those with allergies!


And most people are unaware that clothes can trap pollen, which can then be transferred to your skin and cause allergies.


Here are some tips to get your clothes free from pollen:


1. Keep windows and doors closed: This will help to prevent pollen from entering your home.


2. Clean regularly: Dust and vacuum regularly to remove any pollen that may have entered your home.


3. Take a shower: When you come inside, take a shower, and wash your hair to remove any pollen that may have accumulated during the day.


4. Keep pets clean: Pets can also bring pollen into your home, so be sure to keep them clean and groomed to minimize the amount of pollen they bring inside.


5. Use an air purifier: An air purifier can help to remove pollen from the air inside your home.


6. Use a tumble dryer: If you are allergic to dust mites drying them on a tumble dryer is the best way to protect yourself. Dust mites thrive in fabric, making your clothes and especially your linens ground zero for aggravating allergies.


7. Keep plants outside: If you have outdoor plants, try to keep them away from your windows and doors to prevent pollen from entering your home.



In addition to these tips, it can also be helpful to limit your time spent outside during peak pollen hours, typically early in the morning and on warm, dry days.

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Can pollen live on clothes?


Pollen sticks to just about everything. So it's inevitable that some of the particles will end up your home too. That means that your clothes, shoes, hair, skin, and even your pets can all be covered in pollen. If you're trying to avoid being exposed to pollen, it's important to wash your clothes regularly and vacuum your home often.

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Can you wash away allergens?



To ensure allergens are removed from your bedding and clothes; wash your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases at least once a week in hot water. Even if all of your bedding is zipped up tight in allergy-proof encasements.

