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2 min read

 How to fix an uneven baking oven?

How to fix an uneven baking oven?
How to fix an uneven baking oven?



The temperature should be set correctly, and heat evenly distributed around the oven in order to achieve perfect baking results. 




Avoid restricting air flow


A common cause of uneven baking is obstruction in your oven’s air flow. Some people use aluminium foil to catch drips or spills inside the oven. However, if you cover the bottom rack with foil, this’ll restrict airflow and prevent your oven from cooking evenly. Aluminium foil can also trick the oven’s thermostat as it reflects heat, making it harder for your oven to keep the temperature inside under control. 


Airflow is crucial when cooking on multiple levels. Follow the rack suggestions in your appliance’s user manual for proper ventilation inside. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.  




Avoid overcrowding 


Overcrowding can restrict the air flow inside your oven, which may cause air on one side of the oven to get hotter than the other. Check your oven’s user manual for instructions on cooking several items at once. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number. 




Keep the oven door closed


If you open the oven door frequently while your food is baking, the internal temperature will drop. This may result in longer baking times and too much browning on the top or bottom of your baked food. Keep the oven door closed during baking.




Make sure you’re cooking on the right rack


In order to achieve the best results, place your food in the middle of the shelf. This will ensure it gets an even distribution of heat. Don’t change the rack position when the oven is hot.




Preheat when necessary


Batters and doughs generally require high temperatures at the beginning of the baking process. This’ll help you achieve perfect texture, rising and browning results. Follow recipe instructions and allow time for preheating. 




Make sure the batter is evenly distributed 


The batter in the mould or tray should be evenly spread. Otherwise, parts of your food may be overcooked or undercooked.




Use proper bakeware


Dull bakeware will absorb heat and may cause browning. Choose bakeware with shiny, reflective surfaces in order to achieve lighter browning.




Consider temperature calibration


If your oven is cooking or baking your food unevenly, it may need temperature calibration. If you suspect this to be the case, call an authorised service agent.




Take advantage of Surf®


Many Beko ovens come with Surf® cooking technology, which provides uniform cooking temperatures throughout the oven. Air is blown into each level of the oven through the holes in the side walls and the fan on the back wall, ensuring professional cooking results every time. 




Enjoy True Fan Cooking


Many Beko ovens have a heating element surrounding the fan, providing uniform heat distribution for perfectly even baking results. True Fan is especially good for multiple-level pastry cooking.



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