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Frozen pineapple Smoothie
Frozen pineapple Smoothie

1m read

Frozen pineapple Smoothie

Refreshing summertime treat: Frozen pineapple Smoothie

If youre looking for a delicious and refreshing summertime treat that you can enjoy even during the winter months, look no further than this frozen pineapple smoothie! Its perfect for those hot days when you want something cool and refreshing, but its also great for when youre craving a tropical vacation but cant actually escape to one. Best of all, its completely vegetarian, so everyone can enjoy it.

To make this smoothie, simply combine frozen pineapple, banana, and almond milk in a blender and blend until smooth. If youre really in the mood for a summery treat, garnish your smoothie with a slice of fresh pineapple or a sprig of mint.






5 MIN.


·      300 g frozen pineapple chunks

·      120 g plain yoghurt

·      120 ml unsweetened almond milk

·      1 tsp honey

Step by step:


1. In a blender, combine frozen pineapple chunks, plain yoghurt, almond milk and 1 tsp honey. Blend until the mixture is smooth and frothy. Enjoy!
