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Berry Yoghurt Smoothie
Berry Yoghurt Smoothie

1m read

Berry Yoghurt Smoothie

The Berry Yogurt Smoothie is a healthy drink for kids that is made with vanilla yogurt and various berries. Its a kid-friendly smoothie that is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, making it a great way to start the day or to have as a snack. Additionally, you can hide some healthy ingredients like veggies that your kids dont need to know about.






5 MIN.


·      130 g fresh blueberries

·      130 g fresh blackberries

·      120 g vanilla yoghurt

·      250 g vanilla soy milk

·      1 whole banana

Step by step:


1. Add all the ingredients to a blender.

2. Pulse for 30 seconds, stir and pulse for an additional 30 seconds. Pour into a glass and serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve. Enjoy!
