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3 min. læs

How can I prevent condensation in my refrigerator?

How can I prevent condensation in my refrigerator?
How can I prevent condensation in my refrigerator?



Visible moisture inside your refrigerator means that your appliance has trouble balancing its temperature. Please review the following to fix this problem.




Give your newly installed appliance time to cool down


It is normal for some condensation to form inside your appliance when it is connected to the mains for the first time, or after not being used for a long time. This will go away when the interior temperature is stabilized.




Check ambient temperature


The outside temperature may prevent your appliance from functioning properly, especially if it is placed in a garage or somewhere with no heating. If you think this might be the issue, relocate the appliance.


To see the exact lowest ambient temperature your Beko fridge freezer will work in, check your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.




Check ambient humidity


The outside humidity may affect your appliance. It is best to avoid placing your appliance in places that are too humid. If the weather is too humid, consider placing your appliance in a place with air conditioning.




Check the door seals for gaps, cracks, or tears


The cold air inside your appliance needs to be properly isolated from the outside temperatures. Check the door seals to see if there are any gaps between them and the cabinet. If you find any, adjust the door seal by gently pulling it away from the door using your fingers.


If the doors are not sealing properly, try cleaning the seal with a soft cloth or sponge and warm water. Avoid using abrasive cleaning products as they might damage the seals. If a seal is loose or cracked, it needs to be repaired or completely replaced. If you suspect this to be the case, contact an authorised service agent.




Avoid opening the door too frequently or keeping it open for long


Warm air coming in from the outside of the refrigerator leads to condensation when it comes in contact with the fridge freezer’s cold air. If the doors of the refrigerator are opened frequently or if they are not sealed properly, the warmer air outside will get into the appliance. This condensation then turns into moisture or frost.


To avoid this, try not to open the door too often, or leave it open for too long. Make sure food or other items are not obstructing the doors from being closed.




Check the temperature setting


The fridge may have been set to a lower temperature than required. The recommended temperature is around 4 °C to 5 °C for the fridge and around -18 °C for the freezer compartment. Check the setting and adjust it if necessary.




Avoid placing hot food inside the appliance


Your fridge will take longer to stabilize its inner temperature when it is loaded with hot food. Wait for the food cool down before putting it into the appliance.




Store food and liquids properly


Liquids or food containing liquid might contributing to moisture forming inside. Also, Foods like lettuce and fruit release moisture inside the appliance as they cool down. To avoid this, wrap these items in paper towels and always store food in sealed, refrigerator-safe and moisture-proof containers or wraps.
