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Strawberry and Banana Petit-Suisse
Strawberry and Banana Petit-Suisse

1 min de lecture

Strawberry and Banana Petit-Suisse

Strawberry and Banana Petit-Suisse





Total Time



  • 20 strawberries
  • 1 mashed banana
  • 200 g unsalted cottage cheese

Step by step


1.Wash and clean strawberries. Add to a food processor and whip lightly, not allowing them to become too liquid.


2.In a bowl, add strawberries and mashed banana. Little by little, add the cottage cheese to get a good texture.


3.Use seasonal strawberries. If not, replace them with blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, papaya, or any other fruit.




Cottage cheese is a dairy food we don’t pay much attention to, and the truth is that its nutritional profile is excellent. It is a very good source of protein and we can use it both in desserts and in other savoury dishes (salads, pâtés, lasagne, or stuffed quiches, for instance). Did you know that it has almost twice calcium and iron of yogurt?

