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1 min read

How to fix a cordless vacuum cleaner that won’t charge?

How to fix a cordless vacuum cleaner that won’t charge?
How to fix a cordless vacuum cleaner that won’t charge?



The problem may lie in your vacuum cleaner’s adapter, charging dock, or battery and the electrical outlet. 




Check the electrical outlet


Try plugging your vacuum cleaner in to another outlet. If it is now working, the problem was in the first outlet that you have used. You should contact a certified electrician if you need to fix that outlet.




Check the charging dock and the adapter


Plug your appliance in to a working outlet and see if the lights on the charging dock or the adapter are on. If they are not, this means that there’s something wrong in at least one of these parts. You should contact a certified technician to get the faulty part fixed or replaced.




Dead battery


Cordless vacuum cleaners operate with a battery. Just like in a laptop computer or a mobile phone, this battery has a life expectancy. If your cordless vacuum cleaner is older than 10 years, the battery may be dead. In that case, contact an authorised service agent.



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