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2 min read

How to transport your dishwasher when moving home?

How to transport your dishwasher when moving home?
How to transport your dishwasher when moving home?



There’s no question that moving home is one of the most exciting yet stressful things you’ll have to do, so it’s worth investing a little bit of time to make it as painless and what is possible.


With all the packing and planning that goes into it, it’s easy to forget that your white goods are coming with you. You’ll want to make sure that these appliances are transported safely and properly, and this requires a little bit of planning. 






First of all, you need to disconnect the dishwasher from the mains and switch off the water supply to the appliance. 


Next, you can disconnect the water supply hose from the water supply. To do this, turn the threaded connection anticlockwise. It’s a good idea to put a towel underneath the water supply tap and hose, because there may be a little leakage when you disconnect. 


Then, remove the drainage hose from the waste water outlet, again leaving a towel underneath to soak up any leaking water. You can wrap the ends of the water supply and wastewater hoses with towels to soak up any water that might flow out while moving the dishwasher.


Make sure to give your dishwasher a good wipe before the move. For more tips on appliance cleaning, read our guide on how to clean your dishwasher.


Try to leave your dishwasher door open for at least 24 hours to get rid of all the moisture.




The move


Now you can pull the dishwasher out from its position. If you are moving the dishwasher yourself, remember that it is a very heavy appliance, so you may need help from another person, especially if you’re moving the appliance up or down stairs.


Once out, clip the power cord, the water supply and wastewater hoses to the back of the appliance. Secure the door shut with tape or rope. You might want to wrap the appliance in bubble wrap, a blanket, or anything to absorb shocks it may suffer during the move. Secure the appliance to the trolley or truck it’s going travel in with heavy-duty ropes. Dishwashers travel best on their back, with the door facing up. 




Relocating and Installing


Once your appliance is safely in your new kitchen or utility room, this little guide will remind you how to install your new dishwasher.




A note on integrated appliances


Moving built-in appliances is a little less straightforward as you will first need to remove unit doors from the appliance. Always check with the user manual and installation guide for details on how to do this. 


If you’re a Beko owner, you can download your user manual here, using your product’s model number.



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