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Tons of Holiday Dinnerware and Cookware to Wash?—No Problem!
Tons of Holiday Dinnerware and Cookware to Wash?—No Problem!

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Tons of Holiday Dinnerware and Cookware to Wash No Problem
Tons of Holiday Dinnerware and Cookware to Wash No Problem

Tons of Holiday Dinnerware and Cookware to Wash?—No Problem!


After all the holiday festivities, dinner parties, and family potluck gatherings, you may have an entire kitchen's worth of dishes to clean. Not to worry—a Beko dishwasher can take care of it all in no time. With a range of features designed to make the task quick and easy, you'll be able to get back to enjoying your holiday leftovers in no time.


3 times faster cleaning


With its Fast+ function, a Beko dishwasher can speed up the washing cycle by three times, making it the perfect choice for busy families or anyone who wants to spend less time doing the dishes and more time doing what they love.


More room for pots & pans in the lower rack


Beko dishwashers come with a sliding cutlery basket, making room for more pots and pans in the lower rack. The basket easily slides to either side, allowing you to fit bulky cookware into the dishwasher, saving time and energy.


Easy-to-open dispenser lid


Add detergent without effort and trouble with an easy-to-open dispenser lid. Just slide it—no need to hurt your fingers or waste time just trying to pry it open. From start to finish, a Beko dishwasher makes putting away and doing the dishes a breeze.


Watermark-free glasses


Dishwashers can sometimes leave watermarks on glasses, but not with Beko. It has a SteamGloss function that uses an extended heat cycle to clean and shine glasses, leaving them without any watermarks or streaks. Complete your tableware with sparkling glasses that look like new.


Extra room for pots & pans


The Easy-Fold Plate Support in Beko dishwashers creates extra room for large pots and pans. This means you can fit all your washables in and skip handwashing those difficult pieces. Just sit back and let Beko take care of everything for you. 

A Beko dishwasher is a great addition to your kitchen. Not only does it save you time and energy, but buying it now also gives you a chance to win fuel cards or a family vacation package from the Beko Sends Love promo! Shop for your dishwasher and other Beko products today.
