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Tackling single use plastic waste




Repurposing waste plastics to make our

RecycledDry tumble dryers


Teaser Image



Recycled plastic usage  ~27%

of plastic parts

in every tumble dryer*


*excluding BDV70WG (Vented Dryers)

Teaser Image



Recycled plastics used in

plastic parts including water tank housing, back cover, chassis, etc




See the range


9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi

9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi BDPB904HG
  • RapiDry: Energy Efficient or Fast Drying
  • Ironfinish: Ready to Wear
  • Hygienic Refresh Program


9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi

9 kg Hybrid Heat Pump with Steam & Wifi BDPB904HW
  • RapiDry: Energy Efficient or Fast Drying
  • Ironfinish: Ready to Wear
  • Hygienic Refresh Program


8 kg Heat Pump Dryer with Steam & Wifi

8 kg Heat Pump Dryer with Steam & Wifi BDPB802SW
  • Ironfinish: Ready to Wear
  • Hygienic Refresh Program
  • Wifi Connection with Homewhiz


8 kg Condenser Dryer

8 kg Condenser Dryer BDCB8020W
  • Recycled Dry: Recycled plastics used behind this door
  • Hygienic drying cycle
  • Low Temperature Setting


Tumble Dryer (Heat Pump, 8 kg)

Tumble Dryer (Heat Pump, 8 kg) BDP810W
  • Eco Gentle Heat Pump


Tumble Dryer (Heat Pump, 7 kg)

Tumble Dryer (Heat Pump, 7 kg) BDP710W
  • Recycled Dry: Recycled plastics used behind this door
  • Hygienic drying cycle
  • Eco Friendly
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