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GNO51651GBMY: Fridge Freezer (Multi-door, 0 cm)


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GNO51651GBMY: Fridge Freezer (Multi-door, 0 cm)

Cooling System Type No-frost


ProSmart Inverter Compressor

High efficiency, high durability, low noise

If your fridge is a humming, gurgling energy-hog, it’s time to make the switch. Thanks to its innovative design, the ProSmart Inverter Compressor provides faster cooling with less energy and four times quieter operation than average refrigerator compressors. It adapts to temperature fluctuations quicker, keeps food fresh longer and saves on your energy bills, all at the same time.


Fridge to freezer with one touch

No matter what’s on your shopping list, the flexible MultiZone compartment gives you extra freezer or fridge space instantly and for you to organise however you want. Adjust the temperature from -24°C to 10°C with the touch of a button and never worry how you’ll squeeze in all that stuff from the store into the refrigerator.


Sliding shelf for easy access

It's all too easy to forget what's in the back of your fridge when it's full to the brim. EasyPull’s sliding mechanism lets you pull the shelf out, providing access to everything on it, even when it’s full. It also features a wine rack which folds down without taking up space when not in use.

Led Illumination

Clear view of the inside

It can be tricky to see everything in your fridge, especially in the corners and at the back of selves. Led Illumination features chains of LED on the top of the fridge, and for every shelf on the side wall so you can see clearly throughout the cooler. It’s more energy-efficient that standard lighting too.

Safety Glass

High-durability glass shelves

Ease your worries of putting that huge and heavy pot in the fridge with Safety Glass. Safety Glass shelves are made up of tempered glass and can carry loads of up to 25 kg. They resist cracks and scratches much better than un-treated glass, so you can store heavy items without a care.

Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray

Easy-access ice cubes

Flex it, pinch it, hit it on the countertop and some ice trays will still not give in. Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray overcomes these difficulties with a simple twisting action. The cubes are dropped inside the ice box. No mess, no fuss.

Tech Specs

Key Features

Fitting Type


Product Type


ProSmart Inverter Compressor

Cooling System Type


Freezer Position

Freezer Bottom

Display Type



Black - Glass
Gross & Net Volume

Total Gross Volume


Total Net Volume

522 L

Adjustable Temperature Technology


ProSmart Inverter Compressor

Fridge Features

Storage Box Under Door Rack

Fridge Shelf Type


Number of Crispers


Egg Tray Capacity

Freezer Features

Fast Freeze

Ice-maker Type

Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray

Number of Freeezer Drawers


Inner Back Wall Material

Stainless Steel

LED Illumination

Freezer Position

Freezer Bottom

Display Position

On Door

Display Type


Control Type


Fitting Type


Door Handle Type

Horizontal Flush Handle


Black - Glass
Performance & Consumption

Climate Class


Climate Class



220 - 240 V


50 Hz
Dimensions & Weight


38 kg

Packaged Height

3 cm

Packaged Width

2 cm

Packaged Depth

1 cm

Packaged Weight

40 kg

Open Door Alarm
