Broad bean soup is a healthy and delicious option for those looking to
incorporate more plant-based meals. This soup is not only packed with
essential nutrients and fiber, but it's also incredibly versatile and easy to
Total Time
30 Min
● 300 g broad beans, boiled
● 90 g Onion
● 200 g spinach
● 500 ml water
● 500 ml fish stock
● 50 g Butter
● ¼ bunch of dill
● ¼ bunch of parsley
● Salt, black pepper & Red pepper
Step by step
1. Put the butter in a pot and fry until the onions turn pink. Add spinach and sauté for 3
minutes, until spinach reduce all water.
2. Pour fish stock and water with spices on pot, bring it to a boil. Turn off the heat, blend
everything with a blender.
3. Chopped dill and parsley and add to the soup, stir well.
4. Pour soup on bowls, place boiled broad beans on top and serve it. Enjoy!