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2 min read

How can I keep food from drying out in my refrigerator or freezer?

How can I keep food from drying out in my refrigerator or freezer?
How can I keep food from drying out in my refrigerator or freezer?



There are several reasons for food to dry out in your refrigerator or freezer. Please see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Store food properly


Liquids or food containing liquid might contributing to moisture forming inside. Also, foods like lettuce and fruit release moisture inside the appliance as they cool down. Moisture is the number one reason for food to spoil. To avoid this, wrap these items in paper towels and always store food in sealed, refrigerator-safe and moisture-proof containers or wraps.




Adjust the humidity vents on your crisper


The refrigerator's crispers are designed to keep your produce fresh by preserving humidity. Most crispers have adjustable vents to better preserve different kinds of produce. 


Thin-skinned or leafy vegetables should be kept in more humid environments, which can be achieved by closing the vents. 


Most fruit lasts longer in drier environments, so they should be kept in less humid compartments with open vents. 


Adjust the vents to achieve the ideal levels of moisture circulation for what you’re storing.




Check the temperature setting


Make sure the temperature is not set too low. Ideal refrigerator temperatures are 4 °C or 5 °C for the fridge and -18 °C for the freezer compartment. 




Make sure the inner temperature corresponds to the temperature setting


The best way to check the actual temperature inside your refrigerator is with an accurate thermometer. 


Place the thermometer inside a cup of water and put it inside the fridge compartment. To check freezer temperatures, do the same with the thermometer inside alcohol or cooking oil (because water would freeze). 


Let the thermometer sit in the fridge or the freezer for a while. Then, read the temperature on the thermometer and make sure it corresponds to what the appliance has been set to. If your refrigerator is colder or warmer than it should be, it might have a technical problem. In that case, contact an authorised service agent.



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