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Celebrating our Unsung Heroes.
Celebrating our Unsung Heroes.

2m read

Beko_April_Mom And Daughter image
Beko_April_Mom And Daughter image

Celebrating our Unsung Heroes.


We all know that mothers are special for so many reasons. They are the ones that care for us and nurture us when we are young and growing up, and continue to show us love and support throughout our adult lives. It’s not just their unconditional love and care that makes them so special; mothers have been, and continue to be, pioneers in the world.


Today, women are making their mark in the workplace, and it’s time to celebrate and honour them for all their hard work and achievements. We need to break down the stereotype that has women stuck in the kitchen and raising babies at home, and instead recognize their remarkable strength and ability to be both successful professionals and loving mothers. 


There is no denying that there is still a gender gap in the workplace, and that more needs to be done to bring equity to the workspace. But modern women are driven and determined to make her mark and prove to the world that they can do it all.


They deserve to live like a pro in both their work and home environment, which is why we need to honour and celebrate their success in both. At Beko, we believe that women should have the best of both worlds, and that’s why we’re committed to creating innovative, high quality products that make life easier for them. We understand that she has a lot on her plate, and we are here to help her every step of the way. 

This past Sunday we celebrated #MothersDay, but don’t let it stop there. Let’s continue to celebrate and honour all the remarkable women in our lives, let’s recognise their strengths and capabilities, and show them how much we appreciate them everyday.  

Let us openly exhibit the unique and irreplaceable bond between our mothers and children. Like no other, the role is one of a lifetime where our mothers inherently determine who and what we become in future, including generations to come. To all mothers, we thank you for all that you have done and continue to do, knowing that we are committed to showing our care and devotion to you.


