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Three Pepper Breakfast Salad
Three Pepper Breakfast Salad

1m read

Three Pepper Breakfast Salad

Eat Salad for Breakfast?

Who says breakfast has to be heavy? This Three Pepper Breakfast Salad is the perfect light

breakfast idea. Packed with protein and fiber, it will keep you feeling full all morning long.

And the best part? It only takes a few minutes to make. Simply combine your favorite

peppers with some eggs and greens, and you're good to go.


Here is the Three Pepper Breakfast Salad recipe!





Total Time

75 min


● 125 ml olive oil

● 25 ml lemon juice

● 15 ml water

● 25 ml White wine vinegar

● 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

● ¾ teaspoon minced fresh oregano

● ½ teaspoon sugar

● 1 redd bell pepper (thinly sliced)

● 1 green bell pepper (thinly sliced)

● 1 yellow bell pepper (thinly sliced)

● ½ cup olives

● 60 g feta cheese (crumbled)

● Salt and pepper to taste

Step by step

1. Pour oil into small bowl. Add lemon juice, water, vinegar, parsley, oregano, and

sugar, whisk until thickened.

2. Combine peppers, onion and olives in large bowl. Add dressing. Toss to combine,

cover and let stand at room temperature 1 hour. Drain off excess dressing. Add

cheese to pepper mixture, toss. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Serve with your favorite bread. Enjoy!
