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1 min read

How to prevent frost build-up in my freezer?

How to prevent frost build-up in my freezer?
How to prevent frost build-up in my freezer?



When you open the freezer doors, hot and humid air from the outside interacts with the cold air inside the fridge. This causes the water vapor in the warmer air to condense and then freeze to the interior walls of the freezer compartment. Frost build-up inside the freezer will mean it takes longer to freeze things and decreases its performance. 


The best way to avoid this is to choose a no-frost refrigerator like 3 Zone No Frost or NeoFrost™ Dual Cooling models. If your refrigerator doesn't have this feature, you will need to defrost it manually. Do this approximately once a month or when the frost build-up reaches a thickness of 0.5 centimetres.




Avoid opening the door too frequently or keeping it open for long


Frost builds up primarily due to the interaction from letting warm air into the fridge freezer. To avoid this, try not to open the door too often, and don’t leave the doors open for very long.




Check for gaps, cracks, or tears on the door seals 


The cold air inside your appliance needs to be properly isolated from the outside. Check the door seals to see if there are any gaps between them and the cabinet. If you find any, adjust the door seal by gently pulling it away from the door using your fingers. 


If the doors are not sealing properly, try cleaning the seal with a soft cloth or sponge and warm water. Avoid using abrasive cleaning products as they might damage the seals. If a seal is loose or cracked, it needs to be repaired or completely replaced. If you suspect this to be the case, contact an authorised service agent.




Keep the freezer sufficiently loaded


Store half a kilogram of food for every cubic meter of freezer space. In other words, keep about 3/4 of your freezer full. Ideally, your freezer should be full but not overloaded.




Avoid placing hot food inside the appliance


Wait for the food to cool down before putting it into the appliance. The moisture released from hot food may result in more frost build-up.




Check the temperature setting


Frost build-up might increase if the freezer is warmer or colder than it needs to be. The recommended freezer temperature is around -18 °C. Check the setting and adjust it if needed.




Take advantage of 3 Zone No Frost or NeoFrost™ Dual Cooling technologies


Beko freezers with no-frost functions such as 3 Zone No Frost and NeoFrost™ Dual Cooling prevent ice build-up so that you won’t have to defrost manually.


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