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Integrated Fridge Freezers Innovations


Fresh cooling features that make healthy living easy

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Minimum frost build-up


Minimum frost build-up

Frost build-up in static fridges makes food stick together and the appliance consumes more energy. Thanks to MinFrost’s special evaporation system, ice build-up in the freezer is dramatically reduced. That means frozen food will be preserved better and with less energy, while you’ll need to defrost less frequently.

Reversible Door: adjustable door direction

Reversible Door

Reversible Door: adjustable door direction

Some kitchen layouts require that refrigerator doors open in one direction and not the other. Reversible Door allows door hinges to be placed on both the left and the right of the unit, so decide which way your fridge doors open. Plus, you can double your cooling capacity by placing two fridges side by side and reversing the doors of one.

CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer


CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer

Meat, fish, and dairy need lower temperatures to stay fresh. The CoolRoom compartment keeps these products at just above freezing temperatures and maintains optimum humidity. That way, food remains fresh and full of flavour for up to twice as long.

NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer

NeoFrost Dual Cooling

NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer

It’s difficult to keep the fish in the freezer together with a flavourful cake in the fridge without their odours mixing. NeoFrost Dual Cooling’s separate cooling systems for each compartment maintain ideal air flow and optimal temperatures in both the freezer and the fridge. As a result, food stays fresh for longer with no frost build-up or odour transfer.

Vacation Mode: extra energy saving

Vacation Mode

Vacation Mode: extra energy saving

Get your fridge in the holiday spirit when you leave for vacation. Vacation Mode saves energy by shutting down the cooler section but keeping the freezer running. Frozen food will we preserved while you save on energy bills.

ProSmart Inverter Compressor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise

ProSmart Inverter Compressor

ProSmart Inverter Compressor: high efficiency, high durability, low noise

If your fridge is a humming, gurgling energy-hog, it’s time to make the switch. Thanks to its innovative design, the ProSmart Inverter Compressor provides faster cooling with less energy and four times quieter operation than average refrigerator compressors. It adapts to temperature fluctuations quicker, keeps food fresh longer and saves on your energy bills, all at the same time.

Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg

Safety Glass

Safety Glass: high-durability glass shelves that carry up to 25 kg

Ease your worries of putting that huge and heavy pot in the fridge with Safety Glass. Safety Glass shelves are made up of tempered glass and can carry loads of up to 25 kg. They resist cracks and scratches much better than un-treated glass, so you can store heavy items without a care.

HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light


HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light

Vitamins in fruit and veg are no longer lost to refrigeration! HarvestFresh’s 3-colour technology mimics the 24-hour sun-cycle inside the crisper, preserving vitamins for longer. This unique technology inside your crisper will allow you to enjoy nutritious meals and a healthier lifestyle.
