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2 min read

How to fix an outdoor air conditioner unit that leaks?

How to fix an outdoor air conditioner unit that leaks?
How to fix an outdoor air conditioner unit that leaks?



Water around the outside of the air conditioner unit is normal.


Air conditioners work by sucking up the air as well as the moisture from room air and directing it outside. If there’s flooding or a puddle that won’t dry around your outdoor air conditioner unit, turn it off and see if one of the following will solve the problem. 




Make sure the appliance is installed properly


Your air conditioner should be installed by authorised service agents. If the installation or the connections between the units are not done appropriately, your air conditioner may not work correctly.




Check the pipe connections


Check the water drainage pipes and their connections. If they are not tightened properly, water may leak. The drain hose should be placed facing down and is not folded or bent for it to drain properly.




See if the evaporator or the condenser coils are dirty or clogged


Dirt build-up in the evaporator and condenser coils leads to a drop in your air conditioner’s performance. To clean the filters, consult your user manual as each model may have different instructions. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number. You can also contact an authorized service agent to get your evaporator and condenser coils cleaned.




Check the drain pan and pump


If your air conditioner is draining the condensation water into a pan first, check the container. It may be broken or cracked and in need of replacement. If the pan is overflowing, the pump that carries the water might be faulty. Check the pump connection and remove any clogs or obstructions. If the problem continues, contact an authorised service agent.




Consider technical problems


If the problem continues, your air conditioner might have a technical problem. If you suspect this to be the case, contact an authorised service agent. 



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