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6 maintenance tips for your cooker hood

6 Maintenance Tips for Your Cooker Hood
6 Maintenance Tips for Your Cooker Hood



Your cooker hood works hard to keep your kitchen smelling fresh, so it’s only fair that you pay it some care and attention every so often. These maintenance tips will make sure your hood is in top working order for as long as possible.





1. Keep the metallic grease filter clean


The metallic grease filter is on the front line of the extraction battle. This is what prevents larger smoke and grease particles from being sucked up into the appliance and clogging it.


Some grease filters are in one piece and others are divided into two. Keeping these clean will keep your hood operating efficiently. Check your user manual, but most can be removed at the press of a button or catch. You can either handwash them in hot water and washing-up liquid or pop them in the dishwasher as long as they’re dishwasher-safe. Always pat them dry before replacing them. 




2. Clean the hood interior while the grease filter is out


While the mesh filters are soaking or in the dishwasher, it’s the perfect opportunity to give the hood’s interior a good clean, as grease and other dirt can seep through onto the inner surfaces. Use a sponge and a non-abrasive cleaning agent to clean the inner surfaces of the hood. Make sure to dry inside walls and the filter thoroughly before reinstalling it.  




3. Replace the carbon filter regularly


If your hood relies on recirculation rather than extraction to refresh the air in your kitchen, then it’ll have carbon filters to deal with odours. These need to be replaces every three to six months, depending on your cooking habits. If you do a lot of frying, then they’ll need to be replaced more regularly.




4. Keep exhaust ducts clean


If your hood uses extraction to refresh the air in your kitchen, then it’ll be connected to hole in a wall or window by an exhaust duct. Grease and other material can build up in this duct over time, so it should be cleaned at least every six months. However, this can be a little tricky, so you may want to enlist the services of a professional.




5. Keep the outer surfaces of your hood clean


Grease, steam and smoke all come into contact with the external surfaces of your hood, and if left, they can build up. These build-ups can be incredibly stubborn, so regular cleaning of the external surfaces is the best way to keep your hood looking good. A weekly wipe-down with a cloth and non-abrasive cleaner should do the trick.




6. Choose the correct power setting for your cooking


You don’t always need to make your hood work as hard as it can. If you’re only boiling something on the hob, the lowest speed setting on your hood will be enough to deal with the steam. However, if you’re doing heavy frying, then using the highest speed setting will ensure all that grease and smoke is extracted effectively.




So, as you can see, maintaining you hood really revolves around good cleaning habits. Keep the appliance clean, and it’ll keep on keeping the air in your kitchen fresh.



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