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Redefine what perfect coffee is and how it makes you feel
Redefine what perfect coffee is and how it makes you feel

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Redefine what perfect coffee is and how it makes you feel!

Redefine what perfect coffee is and how it makes you feel!
Redefine what perfect coffee is and how it makes you feel!

The Beko Espresso Machine comes with an integrated coffee grinder with 5 degrees of fineness, for a freshly ground coffee and a unique taste every sip.


Today, coffee is much more than just a beverage for all of us. For some it is the most enjoyable moment of the day, for others it is the reason to get together with friends! A must for those who can't do without coffee, of course, is freshly ground coffee!


If you want to brew a coffee that suits your taste, it is necessary to grind the coffee in the right size and homogeneously. 


Let's first look at the importance of brewing coffee in terms of unique taste


The taste of coffee you brew at home depends on the bean, water temperature, coffee/water ratio, brewing time and grind size. The size adjustment made while grinding the coffee beans is extremely important as it increases the surface area where the water and the beans interact.


Coarse ground coffee has a lower surface area in contact with water than fine ground coffee. If you are brewing coffee with the espresso method, as the contact area between the coffee and the water decreases, the space between the coffee grains gradually opens. Therefore, water flows faster through the coffee. Thus, you get coffee with a more aromatic and sour taste.


In cases where the surface contact of the coffee with the water is increased, that is, in the fine grinding process, the water flows more slowly in the coffee. As a result, you get a more intense and bitter taste.


The homogeneity of the coffee is another important factor affecting the taste. If your coffee has both coarse and finely ground grains, both sour and bitter flavors will emerge. This means that the coffee does not have a distinctive taste, and you get a cloudy coffee.


Thanks to The Beko Espresso Machine with an integrated grinder, it gives 5 degrees of fineness, for a fresh and unique taste for every sip. Moreover, every time you brew coffee, it grinds the coffee at the ideal rate. In this way, it preserves the aromas and flavors of the coffee beans.

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How do you make a good espresso shot at home?

How do you make a good espresso shot at home?


If you don’t Beko Espresso Machine comes with an integrated grinder, follow the steps below; Dose correctly. Grind the coffee until it's very fine ground. Distribute your grounds in the portafilter. Tamp evenly and consistently. Be aware of the yield & brew time. Serve with a smile.

Do I really need a coffee grinder?
Do I really need a coffee grinder?

Do I really need a coffee grinder?


Coffee beans lose their aroma and flavours over time, so grinding the beans right before brewing preserves the aroma and fresh taste for each cup. So, owning a home coffee grinder can enable you to brew better coffee every time.  At this point, we can recommend The Beko Espresso Machine comes with an integrated coffee grinder. You can enjoy great coffee with just one product.

Is the grinder more important than the coffee machine?
Is the grinder more important than the coffee machine?

Is the grinder more important than the coffee machine?


As surprising as it may sound, owning a coffee grinder will be much more rewarding than having your own coffee maker. But you know what's better? Having an espresso machine that comes with an integrated coffee grinder.