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Scrambled Vegetables
Scrambled Vegetables

1m read

Scrambled Vegetables


Full of health, full of taste: Scrambled Vegetables

The best way to start your day is with a nutritious and delicious breakfast. Scrambled vegetables is the perfect meal to fuel your body and mind for the day ahead. Plus, it's super easy to make! Simply sautee your favorite veggies in a pan and you are good to go!


Here is the Scrambled Vegetables recipe!





Total Time

20 min


● 30 g brocoli (chopped)

● 50 g mushrooms (diced)

● 50 g red pepper (diced)

● 50 g orane pepper (diced)

● 30 g fresh spinach

● 6 eggs

● 50 ml milk

● Salt and pepper

● 2 tablepoon olive oil

Step by step

1. Heat a medium skillet over medium. Add to skillet brocoli, mashrooms, red pepper

and orange pepper. Saute about 5 minutes until the veggies begin are soft. Add

spinach and cook another 2 minutes to wilt the spinach.

2. While the veggies are sauteing, in a medium mixing bowl add the eggs, milk, pepper

and salt. Whisk the completely blend the eggs are whisked, the fluffier they are

when cooked.

3. Add the egg mixture to the veggies. Cook for 2 minutes keep stirring.

4. Take from heat and rest for 2 minutes.

5. Serve with rye bread. Enjoy!
