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Peanut Butter Smoothie (Children)
Peanut Butter Smoothie (Children)

1m read

Peanut Butter Smoothie 


A peanut butter smoothie makes an excellent energy and nutrient boost. Peanut butter is a good source of protein and healthy fats. Adding a banana or other fruit to the smoothie provides additional nutrients and sweetness. Soy milk or yogurt makes the smoothie

creamy and provides calcium and other important nutrients. And a nutrient-dense smoothie like this is a perfect way to kick start the day or get rid of the mid-afternoon hunger pangs.






5 MIN.


·      3 frozen bananas

·      60 g peanut butter

·      375 ml soy milk (or milk)

·      120 g strained yogurt

·      1 tsp honey

·      ¼ tsp salt

Step by step


1. Throw a few frozen bananas into a blender cup along with the peanut butter, soy milk, yoghurt, honey, and salt. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour in to a glass and serve. Enjoy!
