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Homemade Granola
Homemade Granola

1m read

Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola





Total Time




  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 red apple
  • Vanilla extract
  • Cinnamon
  • Grated lemon peel
  • 100 g oat flakes 
  • 50 g pumpkin seeds
  • 20 g sesame seeds
  • 30 g sunflower seeds
  • 30 g chia seeds
  • 20 g grated coconut
  • 50 g chopped hazelnuts
  • 20 g dried blueberries 
  • 20 g raisin

Step by step


1.Peel banana and apple. Purée with the vanilla extract, lemon peel and cinnamon.


2.In a separate bowl, mix hazelnuts, pumpkin, sunflower, chia, and sesame seeds. Once well mixed, add fruit purée and keep mixing until everything is damp.


3.Preheat the oven to 170 °C.


4.Roll the mixture out, to half of a cm thickness, and spread out on the oven tray. Place in the oven for 10 minutes.  


5.While it bakes, mix the coconut, hazelnuts, raisins, and blueberries.


6.After 10 minutes, remove the oven tray, add the last mixture, and stir, making sure it is stretched out again.


7.Place again in the oven for 8-10 minutes. After the 8-10 minutes, remove the oven tray again and let the granola cool down. Once cooled, keep the granola hermetically sealed, preventing it from becoming damp.




Did you know regular kids' breakfast cereals contain between 20-40% sugar? And so does the muesli, which seems so healthy? This is a 100% sugar-free healthy ingredients granola. With yogurt, milk, or vegetable drink! It is a perfect breakfast for keeping them attentive while they’re at school!

