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1 min read

My chopper is shaking or vibrating while running. Is this normal?

My chopper is shaking or vibrating while running. Is this normal?
My chopper is shaking or vibrating while running. Is this normal?



It is not unusual for your chopper to shake while running. If you feel that it is shaking excessively, see if one of the following will solve the problem. 




Check that blades are attached properly


If the blades are not attached correctly, they might wobble inside the bowl and cause your chopper to shake. Unplug your appliance before checking the blades and do not handle the them with your bare hands.


Remove and reattach the blades by turning the shaft clockwise and counter-clockwise. Tighten the blade shaft until it holds.


For more information on installing chopper blades, consult your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.




Place it on an even surface


Your appliance should be operated on even surfaces. Make sure that you have placed it on a flat, even surface before using it.




Avoid overloading the bowl


Overfilling the bowl might cause your chopper to shake. Do not exceed the MAX limit marked on the bowl.



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