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Filter for Microfibers,

Filter for a Healthy Planet






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Beko presents its first washing machine with an integrated microplastic filter.


FiberCatcher technology captures up to 95% of the plastic microfibers emitted by our synthetic garments during the wash cycle.


Thanks to an integrated, recycled and recyclable filter solution, reducing microplastic emissions is within everyone's reach.

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With each wash, our synthetic clothes release plastic microfibers without us realizing it. Washing at high temperatures, as well as the friction of the fabrics inside the drum, releases tiny plastic fibers, which are then found in the washing water.

These microplastics are too small to be treated and are subsequently found in nature, particularly in spring water, before ultimately ending up in the oceans. It is estimated that 35% of microplastics in the oceans come from washed synthetic fabrics*.

Once in nature, these microplastics are not biodegradable and cause environmental pollution, resulting in significant environmental damage every year.


*International Union for Conservation of Nature







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Phase 1 - In the water
Hundreds of thousands of tiny synthetic microfibers are thrown into the wash water unprocessable and end up in the oceans.
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Phase 2 - Marine Life
These synthetic microfibers, almost invisible, are easily ingested by marine fauna and affect their organisms as well as nature.
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Phase 3 - Our food
At the end of the cycle, these micro-plastics end up in our food. We can, without even realizing it, ingest nearly 5g per week.







What are microplastics?


Microplastics are plastic particles less than 5mm thick, found in our synthetic

clothing, cosmetics, or resulting from the degradation of plastic objects. During a

washing cycle, our synthetic garments release plastic microfibers into the water.






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To fight pollution at its source, Beko developed

a washing machine featuring an integrated

microplastic filter, FiberCatcher technology. It

captures up to 90% of plastic microfibers

emitted during synthetic cycles, helping us

collectively reduce microplastic emissions.






Where is the FiberCatcher filter located?






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The FiberCatcher filter, crafted from 98% recycled plastic, lasts approximately 6 months. When it's full, a front light signals it's time for a change.


The process is easy: return the used filter to a recycling center for new object production and get a fresh filter for synthetic cycles. FiberCatcher tech works during synthetic laundry programs (Shirts, Synthetics, Sport, Mix, and Curtains) to protect your clothes and the planet.


*Depending on the frequency and use of synthetic cycles.

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The FiberCatcher washing machine is more than just a washing machine.


It is also equipped with the best features to accompany you for many years, without compromising your daily life.