1. The refrigerator door was opened and closed 300,000 times with loaded door shelves. Test
performed at Arçelik Labs, supervised by TÜV.
2. The bottom dishwasher rack were extended and retracted 100,000 times under 16 kg load. Test
performed at Arçelik Labs, supervised by TÜV.
3. Washing machine tested with 70x195cm, 1.66 kg rug. Test performed at Arçelik Labs, supervised
by TÜV.
4. The door durability is tested internally by opening and closing the door 20,000 times. Test
performed at ArçelikLabs, supervised by TÜV.
5. The door durability is tested internally by opening and closing the door 100,000 times. Test
performed at ArçelikLabs, supervised by TÜV.