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How to Use Fast Freeze Mode
How to Use Fast Freeze Mode

1m read

How to Use Fast Freeze Mode

how to cooling

How to Use Fast Freeze Mode

The Fast Freeze feature is designed to quickly lower the temperature in the freezer, helping

to preserve newly added items. Here's how to use it:

Step 1: Activate Fast Freeze

To activate, press the Fast Freeze button on your fridge's control panel. This will

immediately start cooling down the freezer compartment at a faster rate.

Step 2: Use When Adding New Items

Use Fast Freeze mode especially when placing newly bought or large quantities of

into the freezer. This helps ensure that the temperature drops quickly, preserving the

freshness and quality of the items.

Step 3: Automatic Deactivation

You don’t need to worry about turning off Fast Freeze. It will automatically cancel

once the cooling temperature inside the freezer has balanced.

By using the Fast Freeze mode, you can quickly freeze new items and maintain the overall

temperature of your freezer efficiently.