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How to Stop the Fridge High Temperature Alarm?
How to Stop the Fridge High Temperature Alarm?

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How to Stop the Fridge High Temperature Alarm

how to cooling

How to Stop the Fridge High Temperature Alarm

Your Beko refrigerator is equipped with a high temperature alarm to alert you when the

freezer temperature is too high. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to stop the high

temperature alarm and what actions to take.

Step 1: Check the Freezer Contents

When the high temperature alarm goes off, check the contents of your freezer to see if any

items have been affected by the temperature rise.

Step 2: Stop the Alarm

To stop the high temperature alarm, press the "Alarm Off" button on the control panel.

Step 3: Identify the Cause

If the warning continues to appear frequently, it could be due to several factors:

● A power cut you may not have noticed.

● Hot items placed inside, causing the temperature to rise.

● The door may not be properly closed. Ensure nothing is blocking the door.

● There may be a door gasket issue that allows cold air to leak out. Check the gasket.

Step 4: Call for a Service Engineer

If none of these factors seem to be the issue, and the alarm persists, it may be time to call

a service engineer for further inspection.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve the high temperature alarm in

your Beko refrigerator efficiently.