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How to solve washing machine door not closing?
How to solve washing machine door not closing?

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How to solve washing machine door not closing?
how to washing machine

How to solve washing machine door not closing?

If your washing machine door is not closing properly, here are some simple

troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue:

1. Avoid Overloading the Machine

One of the most common reasons for the washing machine door not closing

is overloading. If the machine is too full, the door may not close securely, which can also

lead to water leakage during the cycle.

● Remove a few items from the machine to ease the load, and then try closing the

door again.

2. Check for Items Stuck Between the Door and the Gasket

Sometimes, small items of clothing (like socks or cloth edges) can get stuck between the

door and the rubber gasket, preventing it from closing properly.

● Inspect the door area and gasket for any stuck clothing or objects and remove

them. Ensure that the area is clear before trying to close the door again.

3. Inspect the Door Latch

If the machine is not overloaded and nothing is stuck between the door and the gasket,

there might be an issue with the door latch itself. Check if the latch is working properly and

aligns with the corresponding part of the door frame.

● If the latch seems misaligned or faulty, it might need repair or replacement.

Contact a technician for further assistance if this is the case.

By following these steps, you should be able to close your washing machine door properly

and prevent issues during the wash cycle.