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PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD: Bezdrátové vysavače (450 W)

PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD
PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD

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PowerClean™ PC 7000+ VRT 96425 VD: Bezdrátové vysavače (450 W)

7 990 Kč
Doporučená maloobchodní cena
*Prodejci mohou za spotřebiče účtovat nižší cenu než je uvedená doporučená maloobchodní cena.



CyclonStorm™ for pure air

Beko's Rechargeable Vacuum Cleaner, with CyclonStorm™ Technology, filters and isolates particles with a cyclonic vortex for thorough cleaning. It outlasts standard cordless vacuums, offering extended peak performance. Each use of this efficient vacuum redefines your standards of cleanliness.

ActiFlex™ Function with Foldable Tube

Flexible nozzle for tight spaces

ActiFlex™, allowing the nozzle to maneuver into tight spaces and under furniture with unparalleled ease, guaranteeing a thorough cleaning experience. Its foldable tube extends practicality, offering flexible reach and thorough cleaning with minimal effort, making it a must-have for modern, spotless homes.

LED Headlights

Illuminated cleaning experience

LED lights are designed to dispel shadows and reveal concealed dirt, these LEDs transform cleaning into an easy and effective task. No longer will dust lurk in obscurity; with the vacuum's luminous guidance, you're equipped to pinpoint and eradicate dirt wherever it hides.

LED Screen for Optimized Performance

Receive real time updates

LED Screen offers a smarter cleaning approach. More than a vacuum, it's a high-tech device that displays speed and battery levels, aiding effective task management. It also s you to maintenance needs or issues like a full filter or blockage.

All in Zone™ Auto Dust Station

Auto-empty dustbin convenience

All in Zone™ feature enables your vacuum to self-clean by automatically depositing its contents into a large-capacity dust station while recharging. Also stands ready to handle multiple cleaning sessions, offering you the luxury of maintenance-free operation for longer periods.

Technické specifikace

Hlavní vlastnosti

Doba provozu (max)

60 min

Napětí baterie

25.2 V

Sací výkon

150 W

Produktové EAN


Výkon a spotřeba

Nádoba na prach (l)


Doba provozu (max)

60 min

Typ motoru



0.5 l

Kapacita jednotky


Čas dobíjení

4-5 hodin

Indikátor nabití baterie


80 dBA

Výkon motoru

450 W


50 - 60 Hz

Napájecí napětí

100 - 240 V



360° otočný trojúhelníkový Turbo kartáč

Odnímatelná baterie

Skládací tyč

Snadno čistitelný zásobník na prach



Rozměry a hmotnost


108.7 cm


27.9 cm


25.4 cm

Čistá hmotnost

2.8 kg

Výška balení

82.6 cm

Šířka balení

19.8 cm

Hloubka balení

31.7 cm

Hmotnost zabaleného produktu

9.4 kg

Co je v balení

Štěrbinová hubice

Prachový kartáč

Pet kartáč (Mini turbo)


Dokumenty ke stažení
