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The right amount of detergent for efficient cleaning
Explore AutoDose

1st in Europe* with AutoDose

Beko is launching the first and only household dishwasher in Europe with Autodose. Just fill up the tank once and let Autodose dispense the optimum amount of detergent at every cycle.

*with gel detergent, for household type only


Refill monthly.

Just fill the tank once and forget about refilling it for up to a month

Leave it to us.

AutoDose dispenses just right amount of detergent according to washing program you choose. No more guess work over how much detergent your dishwasher needs.

Watch the Video

Track what matters.

If everyday chores feel like a burden, let us take some of that stress off of your shoulders. Our AutoDose technology will save you both time and effort on routine housework by tracking dishwasher detergent*, so that you can focus on what matters more in life.

*for gel detergent only

Auto Replenishment

With HomeWhiz technology, you can automatically order detergent when it is running low.

Our AutoDose Dishwashers