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WCV8612X0ST: Freestanding Washing Machine (8 kg, 1200 rpm)


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WCV8612X0ST: Freestanding Washing Machine (8 kg, 1200 rpm)

Energy Efficiency Class 5*
Colour White
Dimension (cm)
0 Height
0 Width
0 Depth



Steam-infused stain treatment

Admit it - you feel compelled to pre-treat laundry whenever you see a stain. SteamCure technology does the work for you, applying steam to the stain before the wash, softening up dirt and making it easier to remove. It also helps to reduce wrinkles, so put away that iron – you've got less to do both before and after the wash now.

Xpress Super Short 14 Min Programme

2 kg of clean laundry in 14 min

Not all clothes require an intensive wash. Sometimes, a quick wash will do the trick. Xpress Super Short 14 Min Programme allows you to wash up to 2 kg of laundry in just 14 minutes. 2 kg might not sound like much but that’s like 20 t-shirts! That’s more than enough to get you out the door.

Daily Xpress Programme

Full capacity cleaning in 28 min

If it feels like ages for the washing machine to finish, try the Daily Xpress Programme. Daily Xpress lets you wash a full load of laundry in just 28 minutes, at 30 °C. Your laundry will be done before you can finish that half-an-hour comedy you've been meaning to catch up on.

GentleCare Programme

Gentle cottons looking like new for longer

Some cottons are gentler than others and they need to be treated as such. The GentleCare Programme protects the texture and colour of delicate fabrics like woven and combed cotton thanks to its gentle washing and spinning algorithm. Now you can throw your fine cottons in the machine without a worry and enjoy them for longer.

Outdoor / Sports Programme

Protection for waterproof fabrics

If you’re an outdoor or sports person, you know that proper clothing is part of the investment, just like other equipment. The Outdoor / Sports Program’s low tumbling action prevents friction within the drum, helping your clothes preserve their waterproof features and breathability. Now go out and enjoy the adventure.


Up to 55% faster cleaning

If you think life is too short to sit around and wait for the washing machine to be done, here’s something to get back time. The Fast+ function senses the type of fabric and the amount of clothes automatically, optimizing the washing programme and letting you reduce programme duration up to 55%* at the touch of a button. * Tested by internal laboratories

Tech Specs