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HIEW 73242 SOB: Built-In Hob (Gas, 75 cm)

HIEW 73242 SOB
HIEW 73242 SOB
HIEW 73242 SOB
HIEW 73242 SOB
HIEW 73242 SOB
HIEW 73242 SOB

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HIEW 73242 SOB: Built-In Hob (Gas, 75 cm)

Hob Type Gas
Colour Black
Dimension (cm)
0 Height
0 Width
0 Depth


High Efficiency Gas Burner

Faster & more efficient cooking with special burner design

Don't let a busy day cost you a healthy meal. Now you can cook every meal faster and more efficiently on the hob. High Efficiency Gas Burners use less gas and cook more quickly than standard burners. So even when you're short on time, you can put your favourite meals on the table fast.

Gas Safety

Automatic gas cut-off

It's easy for a flame to go out when you're not around, unleashing dangerous gas into the house. The Gas Safety feature will detect when a burner flame is extinguished by an over-boiling pot or a gust of wind, and shut off the gas supply. No leaks, no worries.

Tech Specs
