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Why You Need a Beko Refrigerator This Holiday Season
Why You Need a Beko Refrigerator This Holiday Season

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Why You Need a Beko Refrigerator This Holiday Season
Why You Need a Beko Refrigerator This Holiday Season

Why You Need a Beko Refrigerator This Holiday Season


The holiday season is also food season! During this time, an abundance of food is being prepared, received, consumed, and left over. You need a reliable and roomy refrigerator, especially at this time.


Why buy a Beko refrigerator


With needs specific to the season’s demands, you must buy a refrigerator that can effectively and efficiently handle them and be your ally in the kitchen. 


Beko refrigerators have features that keep food for longer, prevent their flavors and fragrance from getting mixed up, and provide faster cooling. This is perfect for storing pre-prepared potluck food, leftover dishes, and tons of food gifts you are likely to receive. 


Promoting a healthy lifestyle, Beko refrigerators have HarvestFresh technology, which preserves the vitamins in fruits and vegetables for longer. Their NeoFrost Dual Cooling system maintains separate air flow for the freezer and fridge, preventing the odor of fresh, raw food from mixing with the fragrance of ready-to-eat food in the fridge. Moreover, their high efficiency cools your refrigerator’s contents using less energy. 


On top of all that, a special reason to buy a Beko refrigerator this season is for you to get a chance to win fantastic prizes from the Beko Sends Love promo.


Beko Sends Love promo


Buying a Beko refrigerator and other Beko appliances lets you join the promo, where you can win exciting prizes, such as free fuel and a family vacation at one of the best travel destinations in the country. You may also save from discounts and get free small appliances. 


A single-receipt purchase of at least Php 10,000 entitles you to at least one raffle ticket. Get up to three raffle tickets as your purchase total goes higher. 


Your raffle entries give you a chance to be one of 60 winners of free fuel cards worth Php 5,000 or one of the three lucky winners of family travel packages to Boracay, Coron, or Davao.


To get your raffle tickets, register online after making your purchase. If you win, you will be notified via email, and you will find the announcement on Beko’s official Facebook page. 

Get more from buying a refrigerator with Beko. Shop for yours now and have a happier holiday season!

